Instructor Anne Gaffey
Mixed media art incorporates many types of materials to create your own unique expression. Learn techniques to use and apply collage, paint, pastels, pencils, charcoal, cards, words, poems, keepsakes, stencils, you name it! If you’ve been wanting to learn how to make mixed media art, this fast paced and fun workshop will get your creative juices flowing!
Classes fill up quickly, register TODAY! Small group size; limited to 5 people. All levels of artistic experience are welcome. All supplies will be provided; all you need to bring is yourself! This 1-day IN-PERSON workshop will be held at Anne’s Point Loma studio. Location and directions given upon registration.
$225 includes all art supplies
Tuesday, August 15, 11am - 4pm OR
Saturday, September 9, 11am - 4pm OR
Saturday, October 14, 11am - 4pm OR
Saturday, November 11, 11am - 4pm OR
Monday, December 11, 11am - 4pm