Wacky, Whimsical World Of Art
Wacky, Whimsical World Of Art
from $126.00
4 weeks | Ages 7 - 11 | Instructor Susan Rothman
Each week your child will explore a different wacky and whimsical art project which may include collage, mosaics, paper mache, watercolor, printmaking, yarn, lots of mixed media, and their very own art journal. Young artists will learn about color and composition while also improving their drawing skills and having a wonderful time of creative fun, using imaginations to design many unique works of art. Class will not meet Thanksgiving week.
$114 Bravo member / $132 non-member + $12 Supplies fee
Wednesdays, February 12, 19, 26 & March 5 from 4 - 5:30pm
Member or Non-Member: