Retro Tapestry Weaving
Retro Tapestry Weaving
4 weeks | Instructor Lauren Becker Downey
Learn to weave!! Explore the ins and outs of weaving including proper terminology and methods, how to read weaving drafts and where to buy weaving yarn. Practice plain weave, twills, tapestry, sumac, fringe making and more. Weave traditionally and create four richly textured and tactile samplers of fiber art. This class is designed to focus on learned skills rather than a final product. You will be given a frame loom, learn to warp it and practice about a dozen basic weaving techniques.
What you learn and practice in this class will equip you with life-long skills to enable you to weave on any loom of any size on your own.
There will be homework and the loom is yours to keep. If you already know how to weave, tighten up your skills with more advanced work. Be the envy of all your friends when they see your handcrafted work. Please bring a heavy dinner fork and a pair of sharp scissors.
$192 Bravo member / $216 non-member + $34 Supplies fee
Saturdays, Feb 1, 8, 15 & 22 from 2 - 5pm OR
Sundays, March 2, 16, 23 & 30 from 10am - 1pm OR
Wednesdays, April 9, 16, 23 & 30 from 6 - 9pm
For discounted rates on most art classes.